About Us

One of the most valuable service for members who are in need of personal help and support.


About UP RES Gazetted Engineer's Benevolent Fund Society

about us

The Benevolent Fund exists to support it's members and their families in times of difficulty.

The Fund's main areas of work are to relieve distress of the dependents of the member engineers who expire during the service of the U.P. Rural Engineering Department, to help the members discharged from service due to permanent disability before the due date of retirement and to prepare and execute other welfare schemes for member engineers.

History of the Benevolent Fund

Information on how the Fund was started in the year 1982, how it has changed over time and how it is modernising to adapt to the 21st century.

Management Committee

  • The Management Committee shall make rules to regulate the collection of the subscription. The account shall be maintained and made available to each member in the general body meeting for granting its approval.
  • The management committee will operate the fund for the purpose of granting relief to the member's dependent or day to day expenditure of the committee only from the profits or interests of membership fee.
  • Management committee will get audited the account of the society, annually by CA Rural Engineering Service Department, 6th floor, Jawahar Bhawan, Room No. 626, Lucknow.and subsequently file the return to the IT department.